California Creativity: CSU, Fullerton Student Wins Study Abroad Day T-Shirt Contest!

We are excited to highlight the winner of our T-shirt Design Contest ahead of the 5th annual celebration of Study Abroad Day!

Beverly Gonzalez of California State University, Fullerton is our winner. A little about Beverly in her own words:

“As part of the underrepresented community in studying abroad and serving for the second year as the Global Titan Ambassador Lead at the Office of Study Abroad and Global Engagement at California State University, Fullerton, studying abroad is very important for personal and professional reasons. Studying abroad is an amazing opportunity to gain independence, network, learn, and grow. Whether virtual or in-person, each program is an open opportunity to learn about the world and yourself! Studying abroad has endless possibilities and opportunities for career and personal growth.

I celebrate Study Abroad Day not just because of the office I volunteer for but because this is a day to reflect on, hear other’s stories, and honor one’s achievements regarding studying abroad. It’s not an easy transition from home life to a new country, learning a language, and all the many little hiccups that may have occurred. But despite those challenges, everyone comes back ready to want to do it all over again, and that in itself is something that we have forgotten but Study Abroad Day allows a time for one to remember.”

We appreciate Beverly taking the time to create an exciting new design and are glad to see her enthusiasm for study abroad, and the impact it has had on her in allowing her to learn and navigate challenges. California State University, Fullerton is lucky to have her talent, work and support for their office, and we are grateful to have her design included this year.

Beverly’s design is available in the store in two color options. Be sure to get your shirts ordered early so they arrive in time for your celebration!

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