Celebrate Study Abroad Day!
Let’s celebrate! Our goal is to bring awareness to Study Abroad and its lasting impacts to campuses and the global community, especially providing support to the efforts of Education Abroad professionals.
Since there is a “national just about everything day”, we thought there should be a day specifically honoring Study Abroad! This is a complementary way to build off of the impactful International Education Week (IEW) events in November and by focusing specifically on celebrating and connecting on our campuses and through our organizations for all things Study Abroad in February. Learn more about the mission & goals and who’s behind this exciting campaign.
Upcoming Webinar
We will be hosting a webinar giving a brief overview of Study Abroad Day, including some guest panelists who will share examples of their past celebrations. We will also have time for informal networking and fun games!
Join us Thursday, January 30, 2025 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm ET. Click the image to register!
Are you interested in paneling and sharing about your celebration? If so, please email us! All activities, big and small are welcome!
Post-Study Abroad Day Happy Hour
We will also be hosting a virtual happy hour on Friday, February 28 at 4pm ET to recap 2025 celebrations, and get some feedback for how we can be helpful in 2026 and beyond. That registration link will be shared in early February.
Getting Started:
- Generate ideas. Whether you have a little bit of time or a lot, you’ll find ideas you can adopt and adapt for your campus or organization on the Celebrate tab. Have a great idea that isn’t up there?? We love sharing! Consider using the form to share any ideas you have to contribute, as well!
- Use/share materials. Additionally, you’ll find some ready-made materials you can use, as well as social media information on the Tool-Kit tab as well.
- Get involved. If you’d like to join the organizing group or have feedback, please contact us.

We look forward to celebrating the global impact of Study Abroad with you!
We Want to Hear from You!
Please fill out this form so we can learn more about your engagement with Study Abroad Day and ways in which we can better connect with you.
Study Abroad Day Shop!
Show off your spirit with official Study Abroad Day merch!
Order yours today >
We suggest ordering by early February to ensure delivery by Study Abroad Day!