Using Study Abroad Day to Get the Word Out at Curry College
In the newly formed Center for Global and Career Services, staff are excited to get the word out that the areas have merged and the new office now offers support for both important areas on campus. They are also thrilled to be returning to travel now that they have students out for the first time since Spring 2020. “We thought that celebrating Study Abroad Day would be great!” says Joanne Connolly, a Global and Career Advisor for the Center.
Joanne started in the Career Services Office and although her college didn’t offer study abroad, she loves to travel and is excited to help students discover the world. “It was amazing to see new cultures, learn history that you might not otherwise have learned in the US, and of course, try all of the food. Polish ice cream is amazing.”
Curry College will be hosting a table in their student center on Study Abroad Day with candy from countries where their students are studying abroad this semester and handing out pamphlets with information on how to apply for a passport. They are excited to enjoy connecting with students and celebrating with their campus community.
Happy Study Abroad Day, Joanne and Curry College!